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Blorbo Hoarding Double Bin
Keeping these to rotate in my brain. Happy to take any doubles!
Deck Wishlist
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High Priority:
bellpepper, binge, bugkingdom, carmendei, crazymascot, herorole, imperatrix, ironmouse, laevatain, linefaced, onread, puppy, ratio, tragedies, usagi,
Medium Priority:
10years, 90s, adamantine, aequilibrium, aesthetic, agi, alatus, ampulla, anatta, ancientmagic, animula, aphros, arcella, arsene, astrolabos, astute, auratus, aureus, ballerina, bellexam, bestia, blooddevil, bloodlines, bridal, cabin, calamitas, canis, cannon, castle, catpanion, cauldrons, cementarii, cervus, chedis, cheesecake, cisoria, clodsire, computer, couturier, crater, crazyslots, critical, cunninghare, cypressus, deadzone, deva, divina, doctors, doloris, doodlesuit, dozing, dracaena, duck, dungeonium, e-droid, egoism, emergency, ensiferum, faithful, fallenbird, fashion, feles, felisfuscus, flabellum, flotsam, fortis, frei, fugit, gamer, gba, gbc, germaphobe, grandis, grusserena, hachiko, halfninja, highschool, himbos, hip-hop, holypriest, honest, hualina, hybrid, ignihyde, ignium, implexi, inlesbians, iracundus, isleofsages, jetsam, jobko, jovial, judicator, knight, lagenaria, lapisdei, laughwithme, leftstar, leominor, leptailurus, lepus, letyoudive, lightmusic, locksmith, logic, loops, lotossomno, lovey-dovey, lupus, magicae, mantichora, marry, matoi, memoir, menhera, meropide, mitchiri, mockingbirds, monoceros, multiflora, needles, neongem, nereides, nivis, noctua, nubis, nyctereutes, octavinelle, onii-san, online, outerspace, overblot, palmatum, papilio, parmacordis, photogenic, pickyeater, playmusic, princeps, prinzessin, pristina, purgatorius, randomplay, rapperia, rightstar, roost, rtawahist, rubeum, sagitta, sapientia, saturn, savanaclaw, scarabia, science, scythe, sexbobomb, shattered, sinae, smilingcat, solaria, solemn, spiderweb, spinea, splitcard, squeak, striker, subspace, summerbunny, sweet, takumin, tarts, topmaid, townhall, toyparade, transceiver, tribulatio, trifolium, trinkets, trulla, tsunshun, tvboy, twili, umbrabilis, uneasy, unmotivated, unneeded, utaya, viator, viatrix, vice-captain, victormare, vitality, vulpeszerda, vultur, wakuwaku, westernrock, whatwhat, wheeze, withu, wizard, woe, woodsman, woofwoof, worldcup, writemusic, yohane, yuegui, yunduan,
Low Priority:
00s, 100km, 10s, 78th, 7thheaven, abettor, action, agoraphobic, ah-rooooo, airmail, alan, albhed, alice, all-in, allnight, alone, amarcian, amikke, amulet, anemone, angelsong, antenna, april, aquacrew, aquamarine, arcadia, archer, arcusprima, arfer, aries, aromatherapy, arrogant, artificial, assassin, atone, attendant, authors, automail, avoiddeath, b-komachi, bachelor, backlace, bakuzan, bamboostalk, bartending, basketball, baubau, beatjumper, beehive, befriend, bell, bellcollar, belle, bernardelli, besieger, bestfriends, better, bibliosmia, bishiekiller, bitphones, black, blackblood, blackharu, blacklion, blacklizard, blacklynx, blackmagic, blastia, blight, blood-maker, bloodbank, bluecat, blueeyes, bluelock, blueroses, blurry, blush, boilerroom, bonbon, bookseller, bouvardia, bow-wow, boyfriends, brain, breasts, breeder, bubbleluna, bulb, bunnygirl, burgers, burned, butlers, candyhouse, canvas, cardevolve, cards, carian, carla, carry, catacombs, cathedral, catholic, causation, cendrillon, certainty, cha-chomp, cham, chao, chatty, chefsknife, chessboard, chomp, circle, clamp, classical, clothespeg, cloudcrest, cloudknight, cloudlancer, clow, clown, clowndrop, coats, coffee, collector, colonel, color, confess, confidants, confirm, containment, continental, converted, coordinator, corndog, cosplay, cosplays, cottage, courage, covert, crisp, criticize, crossdressm, crowds, crush, cruxis, cry, cureange, curry udon, cyborg009, dance, darkboots, darkside, daughters, dawg, decalogue, deepspace, deer-like, defy, delusion, denpa, design, despair, detect, detectives, develop, diamond, diariumejus, diclonius, discharge, distorted, diva, divine, dogkeeper, donuts, dood, doubledash, dreamdiary, dreamland, dreamy, dreamycute, drillsaw, dtr, dubking, ducttape, duplication, dux, easyr, eats, ecure, effort, eggshells, ehn-na, electricity, electrifying, elegance, elegant, embership, emeraldwitch, endless, enigma, eo, equipment, erdewiege, eros, eternalice, euphonium, europeans, evasive, exitdoor, exsphere, fairness, fairyprincess, femaleidols, femprotags, feniancycle, ferocity, fethmus, fiercewings, finalboss, firegod, fix, flame, flapflap, flirts, floatserve, flowershop, fly-by-night, flying, follows, fontech, forgery, four, fourarts, foxfaced02, foxtrot, fractureray, freckled, fudgethis, fujoshi, fukujun, fullmetal, funyarinpa, fuwafuwa, fuzzy, g-12, gal, gambler, games, gentian, gentlehouse, ghosthouse, ghosts, ghouls, giftshop, girlfriends, glasses, glassslipper, gleam, goddess, goddesses, godisdead, goldenapple, goldsmith, golem, goodnight, goofy, granfaro, gray, greatera, greatsea, greatspirit, green, grenade, griefseed, grimoire, guideahead, gungi, gunman, gunpowder, hacker, haggler, half-elf, hammer-on, harrumph, haunt, heal, health-care, healthiest, hearmysong, heavenguide, heeho, heianalien, heirs, hellguide, hex, highheels, hillock, himecuts, hisui, hitsuzen, hmm, hocchan, hollie, hollow, hollowzero, homedesign, homeland, homo, honkhonk, honorstudent, hoppity, horizons, hornet, horror, horrorsp, hospital, hotel, hotelchef, housemouse, howl, hunting, husbandos, hyakume, hymn, hymns, hyper, iberis, ichigopro, ichijyokan, idol, idolfangirl, ikuoot, illiterate, illusion, imanity, imperial, inazma, incantation, indeedaroo, inheritance, initiative, innerpalace, insectpillar, insignia, intelligent, intentions, ironmaiden, isaacnewton, island, isuppose, itako, izanagi, jacks, jadetiles, jailbirds, jeff-kun, jokes, jr, judge, jupiter, justiciars, juveniles, kacchon, kagoshima, kanahana, kanda, kawakamit, kawasumia, kendama, kettenkrad, key, king, kings, kingsaw, kishow, kitten, kizami, klutz, kohacchi, konkoyo, koorime, kugimiya, kuuderes, kuuhaku, kyous, laidback, laser, laurentina, laverre, lazypigs, leap, left, lempicka, lemuria, lenshunter, levincia, lewd, lgbtgames, lgbtmanga, liars, liberation, libero, liberty, library, lieutenant, lifeessence, lightside, lilears, liliubelt, linefaced09, listless, literary, littlered, livehouse, lolita, looping, lostchild, lotus, love, lovelin, lovessweets, lovestruck, loyalty, luci-nee, lucid, lulua, lumberjack, luzrov, maces, mackerel, mages, magic, magical, magiccancel, magicpaint, maidenlily, maihime, mail, maintenance, mako, mama, manages, maniac, manynames, marionette, mars, marshmallows, maskchange, maul, maxluck, mayonaka, meals, meanies, megamart, meido, meimei, memeow, memories, memoryark, mercenary, mercury, messhouen, microbes, midori, mindset, miracles, mishaps, mistpillar, miyanom, mmlove, mob, mobius, moe, moemoe, mofu, momett, momiji, monopolize, moontourism, morning, morningstar, motherly, motor, muffler, mushrooms, musicians, musicstart, mystery, mysticruins, nailart, nailgun, narcissist, naughtybear, nemophila, neoaikido, netnavi, nico-nii, nicotine, ninir, nodamage, noman, nomotivation, nosy, notlost, novelites, nun, o-5681, oar, obedient, objection, oblock, obnoxious, observant, obsidian, oceanwave, octal, offrecord, ofthewhite, ogrearm, okarun, older, omoiyari, onarashinken, one-sided, onewing, onychinus, openings, ophelia, optimistic, ordon, oren, oriental, originality, oripathy, osananajimi, osha, otakus, otherside, otomeroid, outsiders, overelement, p-hat, pancakes, panepon, pants, parasite, parlortricks, patissiere, peacemaker, pearl, pebbles, pedigree, penguin, penguins, pentomo, perceive, perfectionist, persocom, pfpth, phaethon, pharaoh, piffle, pink, pinkskull, pirateleader, pizzicato, plankton, playboy, plugin, plusmate, pochette, pointcards, poisonapple, poisoned, poisons, pokecenter, poodle, pooka, possess, potions, poundcake, powerplant, precision, prettygirls18, prism, probe, programmer, promepolis, propose, protecting, protection, provisions, ps2, psypher, pulling, punklorde, purememory, purewater, purple, pushy, pyu, q, qrcode, queens, queenvirgo, rabbithole, radiotower, ragingwave, rascal, reality, rebuke, receptacle, record, red, redgem, redo, redroom, reis, rekku, renegade, revengedoll, revocs, ribbit, ricecake, right, rins, robots, rocknuzzle, rocksalt, rollflash, rooooowf, roseneedle, roses, rovingmedic, royalties, rr-owch, ruffians, ruinmode, rumraisin, sacredpower, sadisticqueen, sailor, sakurafubuki, sales, salt, sam, samuraicat, san, sanbaka, sandevistan, santadodoria, saving, sawashirom, sayo, scissor, scratch, seals, securitycat, seele, segno, self-help, self-love, sen, sensible, seraphic, sew, shadowball, shadowless, shampoodle, shape-shifter, shardsword, sharkdance, sharks, sharpshooter, shield, shiengumi, shinmeiryuu, ships, shoujo, shugo, sickhack, sidecharacter, sigmund, silentboy, silky, sillier, singer, six, skateboard, sketch, skillhunter, sleeves, slugs, snail, snake, snakegourd, snapdragon, snappy, snarrrl, snipermaid, snowboarding, snowdrop, snowdrops, snowflakes, snowhawk, social, socialmedia, sons, sonycat, sopheria, sorry, sos, soundless, spacepatrol, spacyland, spearheader, spectate, spiderlily, spins, spirit, spiritwave, spoons, stapler, starcatcher, starfish, starmagic, starry, stealthsp, stellaron, straylize, streamer, strelizia, stripes, subordinate, suidream, sunfish, sweatdrops, swirly, symmetry, synthesizer, tablesalt, tableware, talking, tangelo, tanpopo, tareme, tarotcards, tasla, teacher, teehee, tempestissimo, termina, terrified, teru, thecrows, thestinky, thewoods, thieves, thunderclap, thundergod, tidalelegy, tiger, tigers, titrel, tomcat, torture, trafficjam, treasure, tristan, troubadour, trumpeter, tsundere, tsurime, tv, tvidol, tvmedium, twintails, two, uffda, uguu, umebachidou, unfettered, unseen, uranohoshi, ursine, uryu, utilitarian, utopia, uu, vampires, vendredi, venomspray, venus, veritas, versicolor, vessel, videogame, vigilante, villagers, villains, vinebikini, violence, violetwolf, virtuadoll, vlog, volleyball, waifus, waterpillar, wearsamask, whales, whip, whiteclown, wildgeese, wildkat, windwaker, wirestripper, witch, witches, woman, woof, wosemi, wrathful, writers, x-rayvision, xenian, ya-tchi, yahaha, yanderes, yard, yebisu, yo-yo, yorha, younger, yourhonor, yousei, yukis, yuri, yuris, zither, 007, 14thmoon, 19thguardian, 1stchild, 2ndchild, 3-a, 3rdchild, 4minutes, 624, 8-bit, 999, acrobat, adapt, aesir, aesthetics, aether, affinity, all-outkiss, alliance, alloflove, aloupeeps, altena, ambidex, anaru, androphilia, angel, angelichowl, angelicwhip, angelo, angels, angeltoall, angelysugar, apprentice, arcanestaff, archaeology, archangels, aristocracy, artists, ashore, asteria, asteroid, astralartes, avilio, bangsineyes, barielle, bartender, batsu, beinlove, believer, benefits, benishigure, berries, betray, bibi, bigkitty, bigpuppy, bills, blackhole, bladerang, blanchefil, blanket, blankit, blind, blueangel, bondman, boringworld, bound, bowties, boyslove, breakerfist, broadway, brokenrose, broom, bunnybox, bustersword, buttons, cage, cain, caliburn, canary, capsule, caramels, catbus, catcafe, catsndogs, cauldron, chaos, charm, chimeraking, chosenhero, clockland, clubsgame, cocky, collar, comakarma, combat, commandant, commandteam, comnet, conjurer, contrary, copybot, corrine, couch, council, crossveins, cureblack, cutetype, cutlass, dancecrew, dancer, daoshi, darkaltar, darkangel, darkones, dawnfly, dechuwa, densecaress, devils, dhampir, dininghall, distracted, dnn, dogtags, dollie, domino, donutpond, dotdotdot, dqo, dracula, drag, dragonkick, dragons, dreammare, drunkenfist, dukeabel, dullahan, dumbo, eggs, egoist, eighth, election, embrasque, emoticon, emotion, endings, ensign, entercards, escapesp, esp, evilking, ewiwa, expressive, eyepatch, failure, feisty, fermata, fetch, fiancee, fightgod, fists, fogdoor, forcefield, foretell, fortunes, fox, foxflame, friedeggs, fulldrive, futon, future, gadoria, galearc, gamble, gaps, gapyear, genista, gentletype, gestures, gigolo, gliese, glomp, gluttony, goldie, gracidea, grandkid, gravityflip, gunblade, hairdresser, hakama, harihara, harrow, hater, headangel, heartless, heavenspan, heiseiidol, heke, heyheyhoh, homeworld, honeybuddha, honor, hottemper, hysterical, iceprince, idols, immortality, impostor, incurable, indecisive, innovative, intimidating, introvert, ironmask, jam, janna, javelin, jikochuu, jumprope, junbirthday, junkcube, junkshop, juuhachi-ban, kamisarizuki, kamui, kanaan579, kararagi, kaze, kilenc, killertennis, kindhearted, kitsune, kmg, kotowari, kritya, lamentation, landlord, languor, leaves, level1, lhantmanor, libertine, lifeforms, lindain, littlebuddy, littlekitty, littlepuppy, lonelymoon, long-range, lovepillar, lu-knight, madamered, maella, mafioso, majesty, mallet, manapower, masochist, mega, meibe, memorized, menma, minor, mischievous, mistress, momo, mon3tr, mona, mp3, multibug, mysweet, nasod, nekopunch, neshitteru, nightmares, nirvash, nobodies, nonexistent, noona, noriyuki, normies, northkanto, notafraid, notarial, nurturesp, nyan, occultism, octbirthday, ogikubo, okonomiyaki, ola, ontan, ookwee, organum, orpheus, otherme, otherworld, otome, outstripped, overlord, pasta, pastel, perfectangel, petowl, petpals, pharaohs, photographs, pi-su, pinkscarf, pipi, playmaker, pomeranian, pomudachi, poodle-like, potential, precure, pressure, pretty, prima, primeval, pug, puku, pulse, puppetgirl, puyo, puzzlesp, qliphoth, reader, realist, reckon, reddragon, remarried, remind, replay, resentment, restore, rhythmic, ribs, riirii, rimaajon, ringmaster, risingsun, robber, romantic, royal, ryouran, sadism, sakamoto, scarf, scarring, scenarioliar, schemer, schoolgirl, scilab, scooter, scroll, scuro, seafriend, search, sefirot, semi-angel, senti, sexytype, shadowborn, sharilton, shattertide, shepherd, shiitake, shikinjou, shinigami, shopping, shou, shut-in, silverknife, sincerity, sisters, sitar, sketchbook, skill, skincare, skullstomp, sleepwalker, smell, smoker, sororicide, spaceidol, spaceout, speak, spicegirl, spikemuth, sportymouse, spotted, spotter, star-cloud, stayathome, steak, stepforward, stonebody, stylist, subservient, successor, sugarcubes, suggestion, suits, summon, summoner, sun, swimmer, synchronize, taunts, techniques, temsik, tenwolf, thecrow, theend, theundead, thiers, tianzi, tomboy, tophat, training, trapnest, traumatized, trickery, tsunderes, two-faced, umbilical, unchain, undernet, unichord, uphim, vacuum, valley, vines, vocalist, voice, vuomo, warheit, weirdo, whiskers, wilders, wilkis, windangel, windwitch, wingedchild, wired, wisp, woodytower, worlds, worship, xxxx, yaoi, yeming, youngmen, yourbook, youtube, zombie
Gimme Ur Cards!! >:3 (card sorter)
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Eyeball search icon is from JACKISNOTBRIGHT