Atelier Rougelian
Otome Game Reviews
I realize reviews could be part of my normal main website, except for the fact I’m going to be bursting into occasional incoherent capslock screaming, so I’m keeping it with my otome and yume section. Teehee. Please take my recs with a grain of salt and know I am extremely unwell about some of these games.
My goal is to keep these reviews as spoiler-free as possible, so you can enjoy them to the full extent if you ever decide to check them out. Some content warnings and route mechanics will be tagged. You can click or highlight to view spoilered text.
Introduction & Criteria 
This is the Ange criteria for an enjoyable visual novel, but specifically otome games. I’m mostly stuck in Nintendo Switch hell for the convenience of playing on a big screen. But I also love mystery/suspense VNs and I want to branch out my ever-growing backlog list. I might expand this review section at some point to include other VNs in general. We'll see.
I’m shaking you by the shoulders. I am HERE for BLORBOS. If this genre is supposed to be a dating sim of sorts, and you don’t have characters the audience will scream, cry, and throw up for while adding them to their collection of favs, what’s the point?? If I’m not yelling at the screen at amazing dialogue exchanges, then why am I even playing this VN in the first place? Also if the plot is kind of garbage with lots of holes, I’m willing to overlook the bad structure as long as the cast of characters are engaging and carrying the story along from scene to scene.
Murder Factor
I'm so sorry, this is PIVOTAL to my VN experience. This murder factor can happen either on or off screen, implied, manifest as intent to kill (or other deeply unsettling vibes), “conveniently” glossed over for the sake of game rating, etc. This is probably a branching game after all?? Give us the option to have an untimely demise.
- 0/5: Non existent. There is literally no malice between characters. boo.
- 1/5: There’s a hint if you squint
- 2/5: Someone maybe died in a bad way at some point, but shh.
- 3/5: Sufficient. It is a plot point. There is a good amount of dread in the MC and main cast about being the next victim.
- 4/5: Now we are cooking. There is a lot more happening behind the scenes for speculation. Juicy.
- 5/5: OH YEAH. 8)))))
Suffering (affectionate)
I want to see things get ugly in an entertaining way. I love angst! Give me the relationships where the toxicity factor creeps in. I want to see characters being genuinely awful to each other. Put those characters in situations. Note!: Unavoidable gameplay routing choices count towards this (e.g. if good endings are “locked” or difficult to achieve). Suffering as the player from poor writing does not count.- 1/5: Inconsequential amount, no content warnings
- 3/5: There are one or two stand-out Awful Guys (gender neutral) or routes that deserve a content warning
- 4/5: You are in for a bad time the whole way through, but it’s worth it. Probably a significant list of content warnings.
- 5/5: Putting my hand on your shoulder and saying “you should think deeply about this before proceeding.”
Fun MC
The main character is the catalyst for all the branching points, so I want them to be whatever form the VN author thinks is best to best tell their story. There’s already far too many points along the story where I’d stop and say “I’d never say or do that”, so you might as well give me a character whose headspace is consistent with the limited story options. (If I’m going to self-insert, I'm going to make an OC from scratch anyway lol.)
Personal favorite traits: Voiced MC!!! Unreliable narrator!!! Extremely expressive sprites visible during conversations!! Give us some personality and surprises. I don’t want someone bland and generically “relatable”.
Additionally: Maybe I’m just too used to otome land, but I have not found a “ordinary high school guy” MC/narrator character who I vibe with?? Why are so many of them jerks at face value?? You literally have to convince me, “yeah that guy is unbearable, but this game is worth it for [some other aspect]”.
Bonus Criteria
This isn't going to make or break my experience, but it's absolutely a comparison point.
I love a good VN ost bop, but I love even more when a VN knows where to let the silence breathe or let a track abruptly cut. If the music is Too Cheesy and is too noticeably “AUDIENCE, you MUST FEEL THIS WAY RIGHT. NOW” it is distracting from my experience, so no thank you.
Purple Bestie Jail
I HATE THIS!! I want to date the cute/hot best friend character, but!!! This is usually not an option, and so I cry.
- 0/5: There is no purple bestie character to put in friendzone hell
- 3/5: Offender. There is a purple bestie, and she needs more screen time.
- 5/5: I’M MAD. I LOVE HER. LET HER OUT. Please let MC smooch her, even platonically. WEH.
My Reviews 
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- CG - Full-screen illustrations that capture key story moments that are unlocked while playing the game. Unlocking all of a game's CGs is usually synonymous with completing the game.
- Fan Disk / FD - A sequel to the main game that is comprised of bonus character and story content. This typically includes continuations of all main LI routes, short stories that focus on secondary characters, and additional “canon” fanservice material. The tone of the FD can be drastically different from the main game.
- Love Interest / LI - A main romanceable character who who has their own story route. Typically you meet several of them in the prologue or common route and have the option to pick which one to pursue.
- Main Character / MC - The protagonist and your stand-in within the game. Otomes will give you the option to name this character (for full self-insertability) or use a default character name.
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